Digital Atlas - World

This is frequently updated. Over time more regions will get filled in and lower level administrative levels will be added.
Currently only the major cities have been added; I'll be adding more cities as I get time.
This is not a street atlas, it is primarily intended as a physical surface atlas.
One usefull advantage of these maps is a direct comparison of the physical relief maps to the image maps.
These are high resolution images that can be used for printing poster size maps.
Some Points of Interest images may be too big for your browser, you will need to use Save Link As to download them.



(AD) Andorra
(AF) Afghānistān
(AI) Anguillaa
(AG) Antigua and Barbuda
(AX) Åland Islands
(AL) Albania
(DZ) Algeria
(AS) American Samoa
(AM) Armenia
(AO) Angola
(AQ) Antarctica
(AR) Argentina
(AW) Aruba
(AU) Australia
(AT) Austria
(AZ) Azerbaijan
(BS) The Bahamas
(BH) Bahrain
(BD) Bangladesh
(BB) Barbados
(BY) Belarus
(BE) Belgium
(BZ) Belize
(BJ) Benin
(BM) Bermuda
(BT) Bhutan
(BO) Bolivia
(BQ) Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba
(BA) Bosnia and Herzegovina
(BW) Botswana
(BV) Bouvet Island
(BR) Brazil
(IO) British Indian Ocean Territory
(BN) Brunei Darussalam
(BG) Bulgaria
(BF) Burkina Faso
(BI) Burundi
(KH) Cambodia
(CM) Cameroon
(CA) Canada
(CV) Cabo Verde
(KY) Cayman Islands
(CF) Central African Republic
(TD) Chad
(CL) Chile
(CN) China
(CX) Christmas Island
(CP) Clipperton Island
(CC) Cocos (Keeling) Islands
(CO) Colombia
(KM) Comoros
(CG) Congo (Brazzaville)
(CD) Congo (Kinshasa)
(CK) Cook Islands
(CR) Costa Rica
(CI) Côte d'Ivoire
(HR) Croatia
(CU) Cuba
(CW) Curaçao
(CY) Cyprus
(CZ) Czech Republic
(DK) Denmark
(DJ) Djibouti
(DM) Dominica
(DO) Dominican Republic
(EC) Ecuador
(EG) Egypt
(SV) El Salvador
(GQ) Equatorial Guinea
(ER) Eritrea
(EE) Estonia
(SZ) Eswatini (Swaziland)
(FK) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
(FO) Faroe Islands
(FJ) Fiji
(FI) Finland
(FR) France
(GF) French Guiana
(PF) French Polynesia
(TF) French Southern Territories
(GA) Gabon
(GM) Gambia
(GE) Georgia
(DE) Germany
(GH) Ghana
(GI) Gibraltar
(GL) Greenland
(GR) Greece
(GP) Guadeloupe
(GU) Guam
(GT) Guatemala
(GG) Guernsey
(GN) Guinea
(GW) Guinea-Bissau
(GY) Guyana
(HT) Haiti
(HM) Heard Island and McDonald Islands
(HN) Honduras
(HK) Hong Kong
(HU) Hungary
(IS) Iceland
(IN) India
(ID) Indonesia
(IR) Iran
(IQ) Iraq
(IE) Ireland
(IM) Isle of Man
(IL) Israel
(IT) Italy
(JM) Jamaica
(JP) Japan
(JE) Jersey
(JO) Jordan
(KZ) Kazakhstan
(KE) Kenya
(KI) Kiribati
(XK) Kosovo
(KW) Kuwait
(KG) Kyrgyzstan
(LA) Laos
(LV) Latvia
(LB) Lebanon
(LS) Lesotho
(LR) Liberia
(LY) Libya
(LI) Liechtenstein
(LT) Lithuania
(LU) Luxembourg
(MO) Macau
(MG) Madagascar
(MW) Malawi
(MY) Malaysia
(MV) Maldives
(ML) Mali
(MT) Malta
(MH) Marshall Islands
(MQ) Martinique
(MR) Mauritania
(MU) Mauritius
(YT) Mayotte
(MX) México
(FM) Micronesia
(MD) Moldova
(MC) Monaco
(MN) Mongolia
(ME) Montenegro
(MS) Montserrat
(MA) Morocco
(MZ) Mozambique
(MM) Myanmar
(NA) Namibia
(NR) Nauru
(NP) Nepal
(NL) Netherlands
(NC) New Caledonia
(NZ) New Zealand
(NI) Nicaragua
(NE) Niger
(NG) Nigeria
(NU) Niue
(KP) North Korea
(MK) North Macedonia
(NX) Northern Cyprus
(MP) Northern Mariana Islands
(NO) Norway
(OM) Oman
(PK) Pakistan
(PW) Palau
(PS) Palestine
(PA) Panama
(PG) Papua New Guinea
(XP) Paracel Islands
(PY) Paraguay
(PE) Peru
(PH) Philippines
(PN) Pitcairn Islands
(PL) Poland
(PT) Portugal
(PR) Puerto Rico
(QA) Qatar
(RE) Reunion
(RO) Romania
(RU) Russia
(RW) Rwanda
(BL) Saint Barthélemy
(SH) Saint Helena
(KN) Saint Kitts and Nevis
(LC) Saint Lucia
(MF) Saint Martin
(PM) Saint Pierre and Miquelon
(VC) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
(WS) Samoa
(SM) San Marino
(ST) São Tome and Príncipe
(SA) Saudi Arabia
(SN) Senegal
(RS) Serbia
(SC) Seychelles
(SG) Singapore
(SX) Sint Maarten
(SK) Slovakia
(SI) Slovenia
(SB) Solomon Islands
(SO) Somalia
(ZA) South Africa
(GS) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
(KR) South Korea
(SS) South Sudan
(ES) Spain
(XS) Spratly Islands
(LK) Sri Lanka
(SD) Sudan
(SR) Suriname
(SJ) Svalbard and Jan Mayen
(SE) Sweden
(CH) Switzerland
(SY) Syria
(TJ) Tajikistan
(TZ) Tanzania
(TH) Thailand
(TL) Timor-Leste
(TG) Togo
(TK) Tokelau
(TO) Tonga
(TT) Trinidad and Tobago
(TN) Tunisia
(TR) Türkiye
(TM) Turkmenistan
(TC) Turks and Caicos Islands
(TV) Tuvalu
(UG) Uganda
(UA) Ukraine
(AE) United Arab Emerites
(GB) United Kingdom
(US) United States of America
(UM) United States Minor Outlying Islands
(UZ) Uzbekistan
(VU) Vanuatu
(VE) Venezuela
(VN) Vietnam
(VG) British Virgin Islands
(VI) U.S. Virgin Islands
(WF) Wallis and Futuna
(EH) Western Sahara
(ZM) Zambia
(ZW) Zimbabwe

Country and Administrative codes come mostly from the HASC (Hierarchical Administrative Subdivision Codes) Standard. Some unofficial codes have been added by me for consistency (My mapping program requires a code). Currently 18,196 Codes.
Country and Administrative boundaries come from GADM
Elevation data comes from Jaxa ALOS
Bathymetry data comes from the GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project
Word Imagery comes from Esri World_Imagery
Land Cover data comes from Esri Sentinel2_10m_LandCover Time Series

City and Feature coordinates have been measured by me. (Usually at City Halls or Monuments.)

Current Counts:
Cities/Towns = 7,507
Volcanoes = 270
Airports = 227
Impact Craters = 173
Historic Sites = 74

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